
Welcome to the TIMPERLEY LACROSSE TOUR blog page

For all those worried parents out there- here's the solution! Each day we're hoping to update the blog site with stories, results of all the matches, photos of our young professionals and answer those all important questions you find yourself biting your nails over when we're in America.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Day 4, a couple more

Cabz celebrated her birthday in style today with the stadium singing Happy Birthday, a cake to feed 5000, a suprise trip from her dad and bro AND a fantastic win in the match. She's probably celebrating still with her host family now!
Battle for the face win in the boys match against WAX 2 today. Luckily it wasn't as hot as yesterday (though still extremely humid) and the boys played a fantastic match to win 9-5 (I think- prehaps more..). With just one game today it gave the lads chance to catch up on their sun bathing (ready for the pool party tomorrow) and even time for a quick interview for the local papers (Jordan).
A very enthusiastic Tim getting slowly burnt.

Strict (staged) coaching from Jay Dog

Erm... you're blocking my view boy.


  1. The whole family is loving the daily blog - thanks so much! And as for the Timperley results, well they're billiant - what stars they are! Keep it up all of you!

  2. Loving the photos. Sounds like you are having a lovely time. Thanks for keeping us in touch.

    Penny Allen
